Tag Archive: Heirs

So Far in Heirs..

Note: None of the gifs used in this post are mine. Credit goes to the show and the people who took the time to make the gifs.

Before I get started, let me just say one very, VERY important thing…

Young Do has a rottie!!!

Who’s a creepy fox loving up on his adorable rottie?! You are!

Okay…. My moment of fluffy fangirl squealing is over. For now.

So, after very nearly losing my sanity with Heechul’s cameo in episode 4, I have been glued to the screen with each new episode since. We’ve seen pretty much everyone return home for the school year, and more importantly, the start of all the nitty gritty drama feels that we’ve all been waiting for.
Not that I haven’t enjoyed the California sun and the adorable lollipop date with Chan Young and Eun Sang… I did. I was just very ready for everything to move back to Korea. Back to reality, if you go by Eun Sang’s point of view regarding her return to Korea from her ‘dream’ in California. — I understand, Eun Sang, honey, really I do. If I got to spend that much time with Lee Min Ho and then return home, I’d wonder if I had hallucinated the entire thing. Let’s face it..

He’s definitely worth hallucinating about.

I’m not going to recap the episodes. I don’t have the patience for it. Sorry! Most of what I’ll type in this post is just going to be my take on things, and all-around spazzing over.. well, pretty much everybody. There’ll be some general ‘what happened’ here and there just so I’m not randomly spazzing out about someone being an ass (and there are a few of those). I’d like to explain WHY they’re an ass, and that requires a bit of info about what scene or scenes have led me to that conclusion.

Where to start… where to start…
Well, let’s go with the relationship between Kim Tan and Young Do. If this were a bromance instead of pure hatred, I would probably fall all over myself because of these two. And no, it’s not just because both men are prime examples of the male species (don’t even get me started on the other men in this drama or we’ll still be here next year).
The relationship between Tan and Young Do is rather complicated and frankly heartbreaking. The idea that their friendship ended because of Tan’s status as an illegitimate son and (I’m guessing at this so don’t quote me) something to do with Young Do’s own mother… Ugh, It kills me!

Going from there to Young Do in general..
What a scary, cruel, and yet oddly attractive young heir. I can’t seem to make up my mind whether to hate him or bow down at his feet. In all honesty, even with all of his cruel scheming, I don’t think I’ve ever rooted for the second male lead as much as I have here. I know I’ve probably said that before, but this is on a whole new level. As much as I really don’t trust him, I am completely torn between rooting for Tan to win Eun Sang half the time, and the other half practically begging the kdrama gods to let Young Do have her… even though she’s showing no signs of her heart swaying to him. Crazy girl. Smart Girl. Damn it…

Young Do is a very confusing young man to me. With Tan, he’s very straightforward: He hates him with the passion of a thousand fiery suns and he’s got every intention of taking him out – literally. There’s nothing confusing there. Same thing when it comes to his relationship with Rachel. She hates him, he certainly seems to hate her, end of story. He’s very close to Myung Soo (played by Hyungsik for those of you just joining the series), and from what I’ve seen he lets the camera-addicted little cutie say things he’d beat the tar out of anyone else for saying. Definite bromance there, The Inheritors style.
You want the confusing part for me, then look at the situation between himself and Eun Sang.
Ding ding! We have a winner for the most confusing pair in the entire drama! One minute he’s being a total ass to her (see any GIF depicting the pool incident or tripping scene in the cafeteria), and the next he’s giving her the saddest expression or getting all googly-eyed and moony over her – in his own creepy predatory way.
In some cases I think his bullying of her is just to get at Tan. Okay, in a lot of cases. Now that he’s claiming to like her, though…
Damn I’m confused!!
First off, if he likes her, why use her as a pawn in his war with Tan, and why continue to subtly threaten her with her secret? Secondly, in recent episodes he claims to be trying to show her that Tan will let go of her when things get tough… but does that mean that he wouldn’t? He’s already proven he can’t be friends with an illegitimate child, and let’s face it, Eun Sang isn’t exactly on a higher tier in society than Tan when it comes to that. The only reason Tan is still even partially accepted at Jeguk High is because of his father, the chairwoman, and the fact that his secret hasn’t been spread – yet.

Which brings me to all of my concerns (and a bit of fluffy love) about Tan.

Silly Kim Tan.. She can still see you.

I think he’s in over his head, honestly. He thinks he can protect Eun Sang but he has no idea what he’s getting them both into with his father and everyone else. Young Do is probably right in a way (hear me out) to tell him to stop protecting Eun Sang. Tan, if only you would listen to him for once!
Instead he had to go and spill his own secret. Now the cat’s out of the bag in more ways than one. Rachel and her mom both know Tan’s mom faked being Eun Sang’s mom, which means Rachel’s going to be trying harder than ever to find out Eun Sang’s secret.  This also means his father will probably be kicking his evil scheming up a notch.
Most of the time, his story makes me sad. He’s like a puppy who’s been left alone too long – eager to please to the point that it’s almost obnoxious. By this I mean he’s eager to please his brother. There’s a depressing relationship if I ever saw one.. Tan tries so hard to get Won’s approval only to be constantly and coldly rebuked. On one hand, I can understand why Won might feel the way he does… On the other hand… Grow up already! And smile more, damn it!
Seriously, though… I’d love to see this relationship move forward for the better, and regardless of what anyone says, that’s what I’m taking Won’s most recent behavior as. If he didn’t care about Tan at least a little bit, he wouldn’t have warned him to be careful about what he does because their father has someone following them.  You can puff your chest up indignantly all you want, Wonnie, but that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it!

Won… Oh the poor guy. Nobody seems to be on his side. Well, except for the one person he doesn’t want on it — Tan, of course. Even the chairwoman only warned him about his father’s plans regarding Tan because she’s in the middle of a female pissing contest with Tan’s mother. This man is utterly alone in his world. There’s no fighting this time – unlike Young Do, I can’t go back and forth between hating and loving, unable to decide. When it comes to Won, I feel terrible and would love to wring his father’s neck!

Lee Bo Na makes me crack up most of the time. I started out completely hating her, but as the drama has progressed I can’t help but like her at least a little. She came through for Eun Sang when she needed a place to crash, even if it was only upon the threat of Eun Sang turning to Chan Young for a place to crash. Notice how Bo Na will do just about anything to keep Chan Young from actually acting like Eun Sang’s longtime friend? Careful Bo Na, or you may find yourself actually seeing her as your friend one of these days.

Hyo Shin… Hm. You are an interesting one, aren’t you? You’ve got a crush on your former tutor and apparently tried to commit suicide. After this confrontation with your mother, you’ve got me worried. Just what are you planning?
Does anyone else find his constant teasing of Tan adorably funny?

On other more random notes…

— I can’t make up my mind about Myung Soo. To trust or not to trust? He certainly seems like a real sweetie, but who’s to say he won’t turn into someone completely different once the inevitable happens and both Eun Sang’s and Tan’s secrets come out into the open?

— Rachel’s mom and Chan Young’s dad have history. Apparently daddy is the equivalent of Won’s secret love, Hyun Joo. How interesting… and a little sad.

— Hyun Joo was raised by Jeguk and by the looks of it has become a pawn for Won’s dad. Can’t help but feel sorry for the girl. She’s caught in the middle of  what will likely turn into a very bloody family war.

— Was that guilt I saw in Young Do’s eyes when he met Eun Sang’s mother and realized she can’t speak? Surely this can’t mean he’s going to get all compassionate on us, can it? Oh I can hope…

— Tan’s mom. As much as the woman irritates me with her treatment of others, her situation is kind of sad. Sure, she brought it on herself years ago by basically allowing herself to become ‘the mistress’ for a married man, but living like that, being treated like that… I couldn’t do that.

— Young Do got revenge for Eun Sang… Hehehe naughty but strangely sweet.

— Only the Heirs could make a game of paintball into a life or death soap opera. That was hilarious to watch.

Die, Mr. Bullyman, die!

Top 20 Dramas


Okay, Let’s get this party started, hm?

  1. Heirs – Okay, I know it’s way too early to be choosing a currently airing drama as my number one. With only 6 episodes currently aired and a whopping 14 left to go, publicly stating that it is my number one pick is like saying my favorite dessert is tiramisu when I’ve never tasted it. However… It’s my number one. I’m so in love with this drama at this point that I highly doubt that will change between now and the final episode. It just gets better with each episode.
  2. Monstar – Oh the wonderful kdrama feels I have for this one. If you don’t believe me, read the Monstar Review post. I could probably gush about it some more here, but it’d more or less be the same things stated in there.
  3. Flower Boy Next Door– Looking through my list more closely, I’m noticing quite a bit of Park Shin Hye here. Well, that just goes to say something about her acting. Again, I could gush about this one all day. However, I’ll just let you read the FBND Review.
  4. Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge – Kamenashi Kazuya. Need I say more? Review here: Yamato Review
  5. Hana Yori Dango – This was one of the first Asian dramas I watched, and the very first Japanese one. With a rewatch value of 10 on my list, it is by far one of my favorites to this day.
  6. Shut Up Flower Boy Band – In my opinion, one of the better bromance-filled dramas out there. I think I was in love with damn near every guy in this one. Key words being ‘damn near’. Shut Up Review
  7. Secret Garden – I know, I know. “Why isn’t it higher on the list?!” While SG is definitely one of my top ten, I cannot adequately explain why it is number 7 instead of, say, 1 or 2. For awhile, it was. It may one day be again. I absolutely adore Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin, by the way. They’re one of my favorite couples in dramaland.
  8. Sungkyunkwan Scandal – Yoochunnie! Yup, I’m a total Yoochun fangirl. Aside from the obvious bias here, the bromance makes me squee every time I watch it. Geol-oh (Yoo Ah In) and Yeo-rim (Song Joong Ki) have the kind of bromance a girl can fall into a dreamy trance over.
  9. Boys Over Flowers – Come on… You HAD to see this one coming from miles away.
  10. Missing You – Yoochunnie again! Yup. Yeo Jin Goo and Kim So Hyun were the perfect pair for the young Soo Yeon and Jung Woo. Most of the crying I did was in the episodes those two were prevalent in, and when I say I cried, I don’t mean one glistening tear rolling down my cheek. I bawled like a kid whose puppy just died. While Yoon Eun Hye is not one of my favorite actresses in the world, I will admit that there is obviously something about her that speaks to the audience. If there wasn’t that little something, she wouldn’t continue being cast in lead roles and I wouldn’t keep watching her dramas. For my full drama love on this one, look here: Missing You Review
  11. MARS – Get used to seeing this one on every ‘top’ list for dramas I may or may not post in the future. It was one of the first dramas out of Taiwan that I watched, and quickly became a standard for me. Dark, psychologically exhausting (that’s a good thing, trust me), and completely fascinating, I fell in drama love with it. Barbie Hsu and Vic Chou are one of those couples that I love seeing together. They were in Meteor Garden together as well.
  12. Shining Inheritance – I wouldn’t exactly say you had to see this one coming, because it’s frankly the only Lee Seung Gi drama that I’ve watched. Now, I’d heard about the high ratings before watching it, and I am one of those people that is pretty wary of any show with high ratings. I don’t always like them. Surprisingly enough, by the third episode I was hooked.
  13. Tumbling – Male gymnasts. ‘Yankees’. Daito Shunsuke as a hot, brooding loner. Yamamoto Yusuke is loud, rude and used to kicking the crap out of people. A hottie from co-ed group AAA plays my ultimate bias in this drama. Obviously I won’t go into details on this one. Go watch it and see for yourself.
  14. You’re Beautiful – I think this is the drama that is the most well-known among newbies to the kdrama world. Every time I get a message from someone new to korean dramas, I’d say about 8 out of every 10 of them have at least seen this one. This is probably the only role in Jang Geun Suk’s resume that I’ve loved 100%. Don’t get me wrong, the guy is a talented actor, but some of the other things I’ve seen him in just.. haven’t been that awesome. I still think of Park Shin Hye as ‘Pigrabbit’ if I’m not careful. Don’t even get me started on Lee Hong Ki and Jung Yong Hwa. Fluffy drama loves all around for this one!
  15. To The Beautiful You – I can just hear it now. “Why not the Japanese or Taiwan versions?” Well, lovelies, the answer is this: They didn’t have Choi Minho. KIDDING!!! To be honest, I do love them. I loved Wu Chun and Ella Chen, and I loved Oguri Shun and Maki Horikita just as much. However, I take a lot of things into account when picking a favorite among re-adaptations and/or remakes. The acting, different takes on the manga’s story (when it’s based on a manga), the music… whether the story gets drawn out too long.. To be honest, while I loved the Japanese version, there was just something missing from it overall. The acting was great (They’re two of my fave Japanese actors), the music was great, but there was just… something missing from it. As for Hana Kimi Taiwan, Ella’s portrayal of Rui Xi was a little much for me and I didn’t like the ending all that much. To the Beautiful You is sweet, has some pretty kick-ass acting, a pretty decent story line, and beautiful music. Beautiful You Review
  16. Bull Fighting – Mike He and Hebe Tian make an interesting couple, though Hebe isn’t one of my faves that’s been paired with him. Music is great, and Mike was a fantastic rich bad boy as usual. Yummy yummy man. If I were to make a top 50 list of dramas instead of just 20, you’d probably see a good chunk of his work on it.
  17. Asuko March! – Looooove iiiiit!!!!! Can’t help it. The interactions between all the boys and the lead actress are too good not to love it.
  18. Devil Beside You – THIS is my favorite pairing with Mike He. Rainie and Mike play off each other really well.
  19. Gokusen – This isn’t just one season of Gokusen, either. This is the entire damn series. Whether its Jun Matsumoto, Kamenashi and Akanishi or Miura Haruma, I love Gokusen.
  20. Skip Beat! – Choi Siwon and Lee Donghae. Yum. It wasn’t my first go-round with Siwon, but it was with Donghae. Loved it. Still do.

Weekly Overview

Now, last week I started what I hope to turn into a weekly thing. Eventually I will decide whether to make this post at the beginning or end of the week instead of smack dab in the middle. Right now there are still a few kinks to work out. Sorry!

This is, as always, a chance to express my own opinions, but on various happenings for the week.

2AM’s Jinwoon in a car accident

Because nothing gives fans a heartattack like seeing a headline with one of their idols and the word ‘accident’ paired together.  Jinwoon has reassured fans that he is alright, and has had surgery for his ankle injury and treatment for the laceration he received as well. Pictures of the car after the accident show that the baby of 2AM should have been hurt a lot more than he was, so let’s all take a moment to thank whatever higher powers we each believe in for his safe outcome, and wish Jinwoon a swift recovery!

Topp Dogg teases with unveiling of members

If you’ve been paying any attention to kpop news at all, you’ll have noticed that every day, another member for Topp Dogg is revealed. So far we’ve seen B-Joo, Hojoon, Jenissi, A-Tom, Nakta, P-Goon, Xero, Yano, Sangdo and Seogoong.  Apparently we’re going to be seeing another large boy group on the kpop scene soon. I’m interested in seeing what they’ll bring to the table.

Block B wins for the first time on a music show

It’s very very good!

I fully admit. I’m a total Block B girl. I was thrilled when they announced their return to the music scene under new management, and promptly fell in love with ‘Be the Light’. When they released their album and I watched the MV for ‘Very Good’, I couldn’t help but crack up. So upon finding out they’d won on SBS’ Inkigayo? I could have busted an eardrum from screaming so loud. Congratulations, boys!

Heo Young Saeng to make a comeback

This will be Youngsaeng’s last comeback before his military service, and it looks as though he intends to go out on a mellow note rather than with a bang. Compared to his last album, this looks to be more subdued. He will be the second member of SS501 to leave the industry for the 2 years of service.

Kim Jaejoong’s first full-length solo album

Let’s take a moment to thank the Kpop gods.

Kim Jaejoong has gotten fans salivating with his teaser photos, most of which contain blond hair (yay, it’s back!) and tattoos. Need I say more?
Let’s pretend for a moment that I know nothing about Kpop artists…. This man would draw me in all on his own. He was the first person in the Kpop world that I took interest in, during his TVXQ days. His first solo album soared to the top of my most played list, and I’m excited for this full-length album. He’s already released a track from it, and when I listened to it I loved it. It really showcases his vocal ability. I can’t wait to see his return with the full album.

Heechul to make a cameo on Heirs?

That’s right, E.L.F. Heechul is apparently going to have a cameo on the wed-thurs. drama ‘Heirs’. In true Heechul fashion, he teased fans with a picture of himself with Kang Minhyuk, who plays Chan Young on the show. I’m interested to see how high the ratings are going to get when he makes his first appearance, and what his cameo role will be.

Dongho to leave U-KISS

Citing health/stamina issues and a desire to live his life quietly instead of as a celebrity, Dongho has announced his departure from the group. The news seems to have taken fans by surprise, and I’ve seen a lot of upset in the hours since the announcement.
Okay, let’s take a look at a few things here.
First of all, yes. Dongho is a celebrity (for the timebeing). He has been a beloved member of U-KISS since day one.
Just because he made the decision to debut with U-KISS years ago and become a celebrity doesn’t mean that feelings can’t change over time. It’s happened with idols before. Sometimes, it wears a person down, and that can affect their health.
I’m not saying anyone’s opinion on his departure is wrong. You’re entitled to think and feel whatever you want. I’m simply saying we should try to see things more from Dongho’s point of view, and understand that this can’t have been a simple or quick decision for him and his parents. He probably spent months fretting over it. It’s not an easy decision to make.
Making a huge deal over it will hurt Dongho and in extension his family. It will also hurt the remaining members of U-KISS. Be upset all you want, but try to support his decision if possible, and please… continue to show your support for the rest of U-KISS. The members have accepted his decision, and they all need the support of their fans now more than ever.
Best of luck, Dongho!

A Quick Look at Heirs

Okay, it is the fall season once again, and that means leaves turning colors, cooler temperatures, trick-or-treating and the seemingly endless stream of homework that comes with every school year.

It also means that luck has come back to me, as it does every fall, in the form of a new drama infatuation. What drama has found its way into my sights this season?


Yup. Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye, kdramaland’s newest power couple (at least in my opinion).

When you pair the two of them with rising stars like Kang Minhyuk (CNBlue’s drummer), Kim Woo Bin, Krystal Jung (of girl group f(x)), and various other greats, the expectations for this drama skyrocketed with each new casting announcement.

I have only seen two episodes so far, but I’m already delighted. When the announcement of Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye in the two main roles was made, I was surprised. I’d never even thought about the two of them in a drama together before. They’re two of my favorite actors to begin with, so naturally my interest was snared.

I’m thrilled! I’m thrilled, thrilled, thrilled!!!

Now that I’ve spazzed momentarily…

NOTE: I may offend with the opinions I share on occasion. Everyone is entitled to theirs, yes, and I’m entitled to disagree if I so choose. While I may get quite upset when voicing said disagreements, I do understand that I cannot make anyone change their opinions. Sorry if anything I say offends you.

First impressions:

~ Kim Woo Bin is a bully. I have a problem with bullies. The last role I remember watching him in, he was a sweet guy, an awesome friend. My shock to see him bullying another student and behaving like a general jerk to pretty much everyone around him left me not only speechless, but took my breath out of me like a punch to the gut. I actually had to press pause and take a couple of minutes. Unfortunately it paused on his evil bully expression, so when I was finally able to speak let alone form a comprehensible thought process, all I could say was “What an ass!”
However, by the end of episode 2, I was having trouble remembering that he’s a bully. His sense of humor when with his friends had me chuckling before I could stop myself. I can see this character is going to give me a lot of trouble as the drama progresses…

~Kim Ji Won… Hm. I’ve seen her in To the Beautiful You as Seol Ha Na, and thought the character was a total.. Well, I won’t go there. She did pretty well with that character though, I’ll admit that. Now, as Rachel Yoo in Heirs? Oh my soul, what a b*%$h. You have to admit, she plays brats and evil snooty girls very well. When she bullied Eun Sang, I wanted to leap into the screen and yank her hair out. So far, I’ve seen nothing pleasant about this character, and suspect that my opinion of her is not likely to change.

~ Krystal Jung, what a surprise you are. Who knew you could talk so quickly or with such a whiny, high-pitched, grates-on-the-ears voice? Talk about a spoiled brat… Lee Bo Na struck me as an annoyance at first sight. She’s entirely too clingy and possessive of her boyfriend, and treats Eun Sang like less than dirt. Me no likey! Grrrr.. However, I do love Krystal’s portrayal of her so far. I was pretty skeptical about her. She seems to be pulling it off pretty well. I know it’s only the first couple of episodes, though, so I’ll try not to make up my mind on her completely until a little later. I didn’t see much of her other than whining, so…

~ Kim Mi Kyung as Eun Sang’s mommy… Oh, the feels! I love her. She doesn’t speak a single word, uses sign language, writing or texting to communicate, and yet… Damn, I love that woman! If I were her oldest daughter, I’d be damned ashamed of myself for lying to a mother who works as hard and suffers as much as Eun Sang’s mom does. Kim Mi Kyung is a fantastic actress and I’ve seen her before in dramas. She never disappoints me, whether it’s a main role or supporting one.

~ Park Shin Hye hasn’t disappointed as always. I must say this is proving to be my favorite out of all her roles, and as I’ve said before in this post, I’ve only seen the first two episodes. The chemistry between her and Lee Min Ho is enough to send sparks out at you, or at least it is in my opinion. And let’s not forget how quickly this woman can churn out some tears. She’s got to be one of the best criers in kdramaland.
Now… I seem to recall seeing complaints that she has “no sex appeal” for the drama. Seriously? Are you kidding me? SHE’S NOT SUPPOSED TO! Her character is poor and more concerned with making a better life for herself than with dressing sexily or seducing some poor unsuspecting rich guy (pssh… unsuspecting.. Right). If you want sex appeal from a character who by definition shouldn’t exude it at this point in time (possibly not ever depending on how the story in the drama develops), then there is something very wrong with you. That’s a very shallow complaint. Besides, she’s gorgeous.

~ Kang Min Hyuk… hehe.. He was adorable in Heartstrings (also with Park Shin Hye), and in Heirs he’s a sweet heartthrob. Let’s forget my total bias toward him for a minute here…. Nah, never mind. The guy could sit and read a phonebook all day and I’d still be interested. When not acting, he’s the drummer for band CNblue and has a surprisingly sweet voice when it comes to singing (see “Star“ from the music for drama Heartstrings). I can’t wait to see what he’ll bring to the rest of the drama.

~ Lee Min Ho is… well… Lee Min Ho. The guy has been in how many dramas now? His fans go nuts every time he’s cast, and I must say I’ve loved pretty much everything I’ve seen him in. Boys Over Flowers started my fan bias for LMH. Personal Taste and City Hunter served to improve my impressions of his acting. Let’s not even get started on Faith. I love the guy. His portrayal of Kim Tan so far is pretty good. I’ve seen a lot of people complain about his English level in forums, though…. This does not please me. Do people seriously keep forgetting about the tons of people who live in an English-speaking country (or otherwise) for years, sometimes their entire lives, and still suck at the language or have an accent so strong it makes them hard to understand? Maybe I should drop you in another country where English is definitely not the first language, and see how you fare with it. Good grief… Granted, by this point his character has been living in the U.S. for quite some time, but you should also remember that Lee Min Ho worked very hard to learn the English needed for this drama. Cut him some slack. He’s not a miracle worker.

The rest of the cast I have not made up my mind on yet. I feel I haven’t seen enough of their characters. So… Kang Ha Neul, Choi Jin Hyuk, and Park Hyung Sik… You three will have to wait just a little while longer.

One quick mention: Choi Won Young as Chan Young’s father. For some reason, I like him already.

єхо ωогІƋ ✖!

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